SMACCs students start to earn their first 30 ECTS credits during their first academic year at HWU (U.K.) or UPV/EHU (Spain), according to the mobility path they follow.

SMACCs students continue to earn their next 30 ECTS credits during their first academic year at UMONS or IHU.

During their 3rd semester, SMACCs students will study at HWU or UPV/EHU. That means that each student will have the opportunity to study at least 1 semester at 3 different Partner Universities and 3 different countries.

The students are expected to choose their thesis topic before the end of the 2nd semester.

Study periods outside of the four SMACCs main partner universities (typically during the 4th semester) will be arranged on a student-by-student basis depending on the courses and thesis supervision offered by the associated partners (universities, research institutes and companies) as well as the student’s interest, academic performance and language abilities. The general mobility arrangement within the academic programme is schematized in the Mobility Table below.

Mobility Table

There are also extra courses (8 in total) offered by the 4 Partner Universities that the students can follow if they want to deepen their knowledge in a particular area of research. These courses can be by distance learning or on-line; for details refer to the Programme Structure part.

Extra courses (11 in total) are also offered by the Associated Universities. These courses can again be by either distance learning or on-line.

Each year, partner universities organize in turn a summer school that takes place in July.